Publications Search Instructions and Tips
In addition to the instructions offered on this page, the "Help" resource available while searching the databases is very useful.
Starting to Search
It is recommended that the Advanced Search be used, rather than the Quick Search (this is because the Quick Search is limited to "Indexed Fields"). Advantages to using the Advanced Search include the option to search all or one specific database of publications, and the ability to search specific fields of information, such as: Abstract, Author, Title, Year, Keywords, and All Non-Indexed Text Fields.
All Indexed Fields - A search of "All Indexed Fields" will include ONLY the fields Author, Source, Publication Year, and Keywords. When conducting a Quick Search or a search by "All Indexed Fields" be sure to add an asterisk to the end of your search; otherwise, you will most likely get no search results. For example, when searching indexed fields for Smith, enter the search term Smith*.
All Non-Indexed Text Fields - A search of All Non-Indexed Text Fields will search ALL fields EXCEPT Author, Source, Publication Year, and Keywords.
Results Pages
The first results page you will see will be a listing of short citations. By clicking on the "View Full Citation" link on the right-hand side of the page, you will be taken to the full citation of the publication. You can continue viewing full citations of all of your results by clicking on the link for "Record>" (next record) or "<Record" (previous record).
While viewing a full record, clicking on any Author names, Journal names, or Keywords that are displayed as links will show you a list of all other records which share those names and keywords. There are also direct links to the pdf versions of papers when available on the IRP web site.
Exporting Results
Before exporting results or creating a bibliography, one or more records must be selected using the check boxes to the left of the citations. The "Select All Records" button can be used to check the boxes for all of the result records.
While on the first results page, users are given the option to export the listing of citations in either an .RIS or .XML file format. Both of these file formats can be used to import the results into other database programs.
After selecting some or all of the records, the user can use the "Bibliography" button to create a bibiliographic listing of the citations which can then either be printed or saved (as an html file).
Search Aids
IRP Publications Keyword and Author Lists have been compiled. To see the current keyword and author lists (as of July 2007) click here: