IRP-Urban Institute Webinar Series

The webinars in this collaborative series will feature researchers from IRP and the Urban Institute sharing sophisticated, policy-relevant research related to poverty and inequality.
May 11, 2016, 1:00–2:00 pm CDT

Financial Security: How to Measure it and Why it Matters for Families
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Caroline Ratcliffe and J. Michael Collins
This webinar will present developing research on financial security, focusing specifically on measuring financial security and why financial security is important at both household and city levels. It will feature noted experts in the field, Caroline Ratcliffe of the Urban Institute and J. Michael Collins of the University of Wisconsin Center for Financial Security and La Follette School of Public Affairs, and is the fourth webinar in the Institute for Research on Poverty-Urban Institute Poverty and Policy series. Ratcliffe will discuss her soon-to-be-released study on why financial security matters for households and cities, while Collins will talk about a measure of financial security cooperatively being developed between the Center for Financial Security and CFED.
March 9, 2016, 1:00–2:00 pm CST

Next Steps for the ACA in Reaching Uninsured Low-Income Americans
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Please note: The slides from Linda Blumberg's portion presentation draw from an unreleased Urban Institute report and will be made available following publication of the report in late March.Linda Blumberg and Pamela Herd

This webinar will take a detailed look at the characteristics of low-income Americans who remain uninsured and at strategies under current law that could be used to provide coverage to more people in this group. The presenters will then examine issues of administrative burden in health care exchanges and other problems with getting people enrolled, as well as provisions of the ACA that have helped to ease those burdens.
Linda Blumberg is a Senior Fellow at the Urban Institute and Pamela Herd is Professor of Public Affairs and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
December 17, 2015, 1:00–2:00 p.m. CST

Addressing Ex-Prisoner Reentry at the Community Level
Michael Massoglia and John Roman

Over 10,000 ex-prisoners are released from state and federal prisons every week (DoJ) into communities around the country. In this webinar, Michael Massoglia and John Roman will discuss challenges faced by both former inmates and the neighborhoods that receive them. The presenters will then talk about strategies that communities and organizations have taken to help improve the reentry process, with a particular focus on a new initiative to develop social impact bonds that could help fund programs for returning citizens from prison.
September 16, 2015, 1:00–2:00 p.m. CDT

Government in 140 Characters: Is Social Media a Tool for Greater Access?
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In this webinar, Jonathan Schwabish of the Urban Institute and Donald Moynihan of IRP and the La Follette School of Public Affairs at UW–Madison will explore the question of whether social media can be an effective tool for governments to increase access for citizens who have less education and lower incomes.
Both presenters are affiliates of IRP. Schwabish is a senior research associate at the Urban Institute and is widely regarded as an expert in improving accessibility in the communication of research findings. Moynihan is a professor at UW–Madison's La Follette School of Public Affairs. His research examines the application of organization theory to public management issues such as performance, budgeting, homeland security, election administration, and employee behavior. A major strain of his research examines administrative burden and how it affects the way that people access government programs.