Poverty 101: Teaching about Poverty and Inequality, 2013
Strategies and resources for instructors developing college-level courses and lessons about poverty and inequality. These presentations were developed for IRP's inaugural Teaching Poverty 101 Workshop. Any views expressed in these materials are those of the presenters alone and not necessarily those of the sponsors.
Introductory Commentary

The Rise and Fall of Poverty as a Policy Issue
Thomas Corbett, UW–Madison
Poverty: The Concept and its Measurement and Study
Perspectives on Measuring Poverty in the United States
Haveman and Timothy Smeeding, UW–Madison
Who Is Poor in the U.S. and Across Nations, How Poor, and What Are the Trends?
Wallace, UW–Madison
Approaches to the Study of Poverty
Daniel Meyer
(with Robert Haveman), UW–Madison
The Causes of Poverty
The Causes of American Poverty, an Overview: Labor Market, Family Structure, Racial Discrimination, and Culture
Robert Haveman,
The Labor Market and its Role in Poverty/Inequality Growth
Timothy Smeeding,
Self-Sufficiency, Assets, and Poverty
J. Michael Collins, UW–Madison
Undergraduate and Professional Poverty Education Beyond 101: A Consortium Approach
Harlan Beckley, Washington and Lee University
Impact of Anti-Poverty Programs in the United States
John Karl Scholz, UW–Madison
Health Policy and the Poor
Barbara Wolfe,
Qualitative Approaches and the Role of Public Policy in Reducing Poverty
The Use of Qualitative Research to Understand the Lives of the Poor
David Pate, UW–Milwaukee,
(including presentation of a service learning component, or community-based research project
[with Matissa Hollister, Dartmouth College])
Family Structure, Poverty, and Inequality
Marcia Carlson,
The Politics of Poverty
Thomas Oliver, UW–Madison
Telling the Poverty Story...to journalists and others
Sandra Shea, Philadelphia Daily News
Predicting the Benefits of Anti-Poverty Policies
David Weimer, UW–Madison
Early Childhood Experience and Poverty
Katherine Magnuson, UW–Madison
Roundtable: What Issues Will Dominate the Poverty Debate Over the Next Decade?
Maria Cancian,
Thomas Corbett,
and Jennifer Noyes, UW–Madison
Syllabi Developed by Poverty 101 Workshop Participants
- Poverty in the American Metropolis [PowerPoint Presentation | Syllabus]
- Child Poverty and Public Policy [PowerPoint Presentation | Syllabus]
- Poverty, Children, and Families: An Interdisciplinary Approach [PowerPoint Presentation]
- Encountering Poverty: Concepts and Interventions for Social Workers [Syllabus]
- Reaching for the American Dream: Poverty in the Contemporary United States [PowerPoint Presentation]
Please also see this collection of poverty-related course syllabi from classes taught by participants in the Poverty 101 Workshop.