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MONDAY, JUNE 23 | ||
Session #1: Race, School Finance, Training, and Foreclosures | ||
12:00–1:15 | Explaining the Link between Race, Speech, and Wages Jeffrey Grogger, University of Chicago |
1:15–2:30 | The Effect of School Finance Reforms on the Distribution of Spending, Academic Achievement, and Adult Outcomes Kirabo Jackson, Northwestern University; Rucker Johnson, University of California, Berkeley; and Claudia Persico, Northwestern University |
2:30–2:45 | Break | |
2:45–4:00 | Employment and Earnings Effects of Awarding Training Vouchers Annabelle Doerr, University of Freiburg; Bernd Fitzenberger, University of Freiburg; Thomas Kruppe, Institute for Employment Research (IAB); Marie Paul, University of Dusburg-Essen; and Anthony Strittmater, University of Freiburg |
4:00–5:15 | Mortgage Moratoria, Foreclosure Delays, Moral Hazard and Willingness to Repay J. Michael Collins, University of Wisconsin–Madison; and Carly Urban, Montana State University |
Dinner on your own | ||
8:00-8:30 am | Breakfast | |
Session #2: Program Evaluation | ||
8:30–9:45 | Bounding the Labor Supply Responses to a Randomized Welfare Experiment: A Revealed Preference Approach Patrick Kline, University of California, Berkeley; and Melissa Tartari, University of Chicago |
9:45–11:00 | Structural Estimation of an Equilibrium Model with Externalities: Program Evaluation of Post-Katrina Rebuilding Grants Jesse Gregory and Chao Fu, University of Wisconsin–Madison |
11:00–11:15 | Break | |
11:15–12:30 | The Returns to College Education: A Reassessment of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Eric Grodsky, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Andrew Halpern-Manners, Indiana University, Bloomington; and Stefanie Lightner, University of Minnesota |
12:30–1:30 | Catered lunch (discussion continues) | |
1:30–2:45 | Do Employers Prefer Workers Who Attend For-Profit Colleges? Evidence from a Field Experiment Rajeev Darolia, Cory Koedel, University of Missouri; Paco Martorell, and Katie Wilson, RAND |
Session #3: Immigration | ||
2:45–4:00 | The Impact of Immigration on Wages, Internal Migration and Welfare Suphanit Piyapromdee, University College London |
4:00–4:15 | Break | |
4:15–5:30 | Immigrants Equilibrate Local Labor Markets: Evidence from the Great Recession Brian Cadena, University of Colorado Boulder; and Brian Kovak, Carnegie Mellon University |
Dinner & Evening Presentation AT&T Lounge, Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street |
6:30–7:30 | Reception (cash bar) | |
7:30–9:30 | Productivity Growth in Healthcare Amitabh Chandra, Harvard University |
7:45-8:15 am | Breakfast | |
Session #4: Crime | ||
8:15–9:30 | How Mandatory are Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws and to What Extent Do They Impact Sentences? Evidence from United States Federal Drug Convictions David Bjerk, Claremont McKenna College; Caleb Mason, Miller Barondess LLP |
9:30–10:45 | Does Employment Decrease Recidivism among Job Applicants with a Criminal History? Shawn Bushway, Megan Kurlychek, and Megan Denver, University of Albany, SUNY Please contact the author if you are intereted in receiving a copy of the paper. |
10:45–11:00 | Break | |
11:00–12:15 | Incarceration and Crime: Evidence from California’s Realignment Sentencing Reform Magnus Lofstrom, Public Policy Institute of California; and Steven Raphael, University of California, Berkeley |
12:15–1:15 | Catered lunch (discussion continues) | |
Session #5: Peers and the Great Recession | ||
1:15–2:30 | Mechanisms of Parental Spillovers in the Classroom Jane Cooley Fruehwirth, University of Cambridge |
2:30–3:45 | Labor Market Networks and Recovery from the Great Recession Judith Hellerstein, University of Maryland, College Park |
3:45–4:00 | Break | |
4:00–5:15 | Training Program Impacts and the Onset of the Great Recession Carolyn Heinrich, University of Texas at Austin; and Peter Mueser, University of Missouri–Columbia |
Dinner on your own | ||
7:45-8:15 am | Breakfast | |
Session #6: Parenting | ||
8:15–9:30 | Is There a Case for a “Second Demographic Transition?” Three Distinctive Features of the Post-1960 U.S. Fertility Decline Martha Bailey, University of Michigan |
9:30–10:45 | Child Support Obligations and Family Outcomes: Causal Evidence from Administrative Data Maya Rossin-Slater, University of California, Santa Barbara; and Miriam Wüst, Danish National Centre for Social Research |
10:45–11:15 | Break / Working Lunch (during last two presentations) | |
Session #7: Displaced Workers and Program Participation | ||
11:15–12:30 | Scraping By: Income and Program Participation after the Loss of Extended Unemployment Benefits Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley; and Robert Valletta, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco |
12:30-1:45 | Aid and Encouragement: Does a Letter Increase Enrollment among UI Recipients? Andrew Barr and Sarah Turner, University of Virginia |
1:45–2:00 | Closing remarks and discussion (meeting adjourns) |