
Report Icon

Selected Child Support Administrative Enforcement Tools: How Are They Used in Wisconsin?

  • Ingrid E. Rothe, Yoonsook Ha, and Marya Sosulski
  • Report
  • August 2004
Discussion Paper Icon

Multiple-Partner Fertility: Incidence and Implications for Child Support Policy

  • Daniel R. Meyer, Maria Cancian, and Steven T. Cook
  • Discussion Paper
  • August 2004
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The Importance of Child Support for Low-Income Families

  • Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer, and Hwa-Ok Park
  • Report
  • September 2003
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W-2 Child Support Demonstration Evaluation Phase 2: Final Report, July 2003

  • Daniel R. Meyer and Maria Cancian, Principal Investigators
  • Report
  • July 2003
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Children’s Living Arrangements in Divorced Wisconsin Families with Shared Placement

  • M. L. Krecker, P. Brown, M. S. Melli, and L. Wimer
  • Report
  • June 2003
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Forgiveness of State-Owed Child Support Arrears

  • Judith Bartfeld
  • Report
  • February 2003
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The Employment, Earnings, and Income of Single Mothers in Wisconsin Who Left Cash Assistance: Comparisons among Three Cohorts

  • Maria Cancian, Robert Haveman, Daniel R. Meyer, and Barbara Wolfe
  • Report
  • January 2003