The Poverty Research & Policy podcast features interviews with researchers about poverty, inequality, and policy in the United States. Hosted by Judith Siers-Poisson and Nateya Taylor.
How Did the Safety Net Support Kids with Unemployed Parents during the Great Recession?
- Julia Isaacs
- Podcasts
- January 2016
Income Instability in the Lives of Hispanic Children
- Lisa Gennetian
- Podcasts
- December 2015
The Mismatch between Family Law and Nonmarital Families
- Clare Huntington
- Podcasts
- November 2015
Why is Violence So Persistent in Some Areas of Chicago?
- Robert Vargas
- Podcasts
- October 2015
The Academic Achievement of Children in Foster Care
- Lawrence Berger
- Podcasts
- September 2015
Family Complexity, Inequality, and Public Policy
- Daniel Meyer
- Podcasts
- August 2015
The Great Black Migration and Competition in Northern Labor Markets
- Leah Boustan
- Podcasts
- July 2015
The Biosocial Links between Discrimination and African-American Health
- Bridget Goosby
- Podcasts
- June 2015
Pollution and Environmental Justice in Low-Income Communities of Color
- Dorceta Taylor
- Podcasts
- April 2015
Bureaucrats at the Front Lines of Government Service: Born or Made?
- Zachary Oberfield
- Podcasts
- March 2015