Discussion Paper
IRP’s Discussion Paper series enables Affiliates to share early findings from their research in progress to stimulate feedback and discussion from their peers. Submissions from IRP Affiliates are welcome.

Incarceration and Prisoner Reentry in the United States
- Steven Raphael
- Discussion Paper
- June 2010

Improving Education and Employment for Disadvantaged Young Men: Proven and Promising Strategies
- Carolyn J. Heinrich and Harry J. Holzer
- Discussion Paper
- June 2010

Child Support: Responsible Fatherhood and the Quid Pro Quo
- Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer, and Eunhee Han
- Discussion Paper
- June 2010

Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects of Medicaid Expansions on Take-Up and Crowd-Out
- John C. Ham, I. Serkan Ozbeklik, and Lara Shore-Sheppard
- Discussion Paper
- May 2010

Government Programs Can Improve Local Labor Markets: Evidence from State Enterprise Zones, Federal Empowerment Zones and Federal Enterprise Communities
- John C. Ham, Charles Swenson, Ayse Imrohoroglu, and Heonjae Song
- Discussion Paper
- May 2010

The Benefits and Costs of the Section 8 Housing Subsidy Program: A Framework and First-Year Estimates
- Deven Carlson, Robert Haveman, Thomas Kaplan, and Barbara Wolfe
- Discussion Paper
- May 2010

Explaining Racial/Ethnic Gaps in Spatial Mismatch: The Primacy of Racial Segregation
- Michael A. Stoll and Kenya L. Covington
- Discussion Paper
- May 2010

Analyzing the Impact of Highway Tolls on Low-Income Persons: An Application to the Puget Sound Region of Washington State
- Robert D. Plotnick, Jennifer Romich, Jennifer Thacker, and Matthew Dunbar
- Discussion Paper
- May 2010

Income Poverty and Income Support for Minority and Immigrant Children in Rich Countries
- Timothy M. Smeeding, Karen Robson, Coady Wing, and Jonathan Gershuny
- Discussion Paper
- December 2009

Intergenerational Relationships and Union Stability in Fragile Families
- Robin S. Högnäs and Marcia J. Carlson
- Discussion Paper
- December 2009