Discussion Paper
IRP’s Discussion Paper series enables Affiliates to share early findings from their research in progress to stimulate feedback and discussion from their peers. Submissions from IRP Affiliates are welcome.

Housing Voucher Receipt and the Quality of Schools Available to Recipient Children
- Deven Carlson, Robert Haveman, Thomas Kaplan, and Barbara Wolfe
- Discussion Paper
- March 2014

Is WIC Reaching Those in Need? Children’s Participation in Nutritional Policy during the Great Recession
- Margot Jackson and Gabriel Schwartz
- Discussion Paper
- January 2014

Not Enough Hours in the Day: Work-Hour Insecurity and a New Approach to Wage and Hour Regulation
- Charlotte Alexander and Anna Haley-Lock
- Discussion Paper
- December 2013

Trends in Poverty with an Anchored Supplemental Poverty Measure
- Christopher Wimer, Liana Fox, Irv Garfinkel, Neeraj Kaushal, and Jane Waldfogel
- Discussion Paper
- December 2013

The Effect of SNAP on Poverty
- Laura Tiehen, Dean Jolliffe, and Timothy Smeeding
- Discussion Paper
- October 2013

Why Are So Many Americans on Food Stamps? The Role of the Economy, Policy, and Demographics
- James P. Ziliak
- Discussion Paper
- September 2013

Can Post-Employment Services Combined with Financial Incentives Improve Employment Retention for Welfare Recipients? Evidence from the Texas Employment Retention and Advancement Evaluation
- Richard Dorsett, Richard Hendra, Philip K. Robins, and Sonya Williams
- Discussion Paper
- April 2013

Connecting the Disconnected: Improving Education and Employment Outcomes among Disadvantaged Youth
- Peter B. Edelman and Harry J. Holzer
- Discussion Paper
- April 2013

Just the Facts, Ma’am: Postsecondary Education and Labor Market Outcomes in the U.S.
- Harry J. Holzer and Erin Dunlop
- Discussion Paper
- April 2013

Estimating Benefits from University-Level Diversity
- Barbara Wolfe and Jason Fletcher
- Discussion Paper
- February 2013