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Pathways Programs and Helping Low-Income Adults Build Marketable Skill Sets

This webinar will focus on recent innovations in the education system to build stronger advancement pathways for working adults in low-wage jobs. These “career pathway” and “bridge” programs integrate work skills, adult basic or more advanced training and education, and learning environments that work for working adults.
Laura Dresser, Associate Director of COWS, will provide context on the broad crisis of low-wage work, skills as one solution to the problem, the education innovations required to help more workers get the skills they need to advance, and some of the broader evidence on the effectiveness of these innovations.
Shawna Carter, Meghan Conlin, and Kevin Piper will then discuss Madison College’s Patient Care Pathway, which was recently evaluated as one of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Innovative Strategies for Increasing Self-Sufficiency (ISIS) sites. The Patient Care Pathway program offers accelerated entry into college-level degree or diploma programs in healthcare for students that do not meet entry requirements for regular health diploma programs.


Economic Support, Economic Support General, Education & Training, Employment, Financial Security, Job Training, Low-Wage Work, Unemployment/Nonemployment