- Caroline Ratcliffe and J. Michael Collins
- May 11 2016
- W24-2016
- Link to W24-Financial-Security-for-distribution (PDF)
This webinar will present developing research on financial security, focusing specifically on measuring financial security and why financial security is important at both household and city levels. It will feature noted experts in the field, Caroline Ratcliffe of the Urban Institute and J. Michael Collins of the University of Wisconsin Center for Financial Security and La Follette School of Public Affairs, and is the fourth webinar in the Institute for Research on Poverty-Urban Institute Poverty and Policy series. Ratcliffe will discuss her soon-to-be-released study on why financial security matters for households and cities, while Collins will talk about a measure of financial security cooperatively being developed between the Center for Financial Security and CFED.
Economic Support, Employment, Family & Partnering, Financial Security, Place