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Children’s Living Arrangements in Divorced Wisconsin Families with Shared Placement

In their 1992 book Dividing the Child, Maccoby and Mnookin found that divorce settlements involving joint physical custody tended to be very fluid; the authors questioned whether a shared placement order by the court is really in the child’s best interests over the long term. Answering this question has become more important as shared parenting has become common nationwide. This report sheds new light on the stability of shared physical placement for children after a divorce and provides useful evidence on the issues raised by Maccoby and Mnookin. The report examines evidence concerning shared physical custody for families who were awarded divorces in 21 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties between 1996 and 1998.


Child Support, Child Support Policy Research, Children, Children General, Complicated Families & Multiple-Partner Fertility, Custody & Placement, Family & Partnering, Family Structure, Parenting


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