Paternal Incarceration: What Can We Learn Based on Evidence from a Danish Policy Shock?
- Christopher Wildeman
- Podcasts
- July 2016

The Costs of Monetary Legal Sanctions for the Poor
- Alexes Harris
- Podcasts
- June 2016

Crime, punishment, and American inequality
- Christopher Uggen
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Fall/Winter (2015–2016) 2016

Using a public health approach to address the incarceration crisis
- Madeleine Solan and Charles J. Homer
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- Fall/Winter (2015–2016) 2016

The Mismatch between Family Law and Nonmarital Families
- Clare Huntington
- Podcasts
- November 2015

Child Support Enforcement Use of Contempt and Criminal Nonsupport Charges in Wisconsin
- Steven T. Cook
- Report
- September 2015

Life Beyond Bars: Children with an Incarcerated Parent
- Neil Damron
- Poverty Fact Sheet
- November 2014

Criminal Punishment and American Inequality
- Christopher Uggen
- Podcasts
- June 2014

Access to Justice for Low-Income Litigants in Civil Cases
- Tonya Brito and David J. Pate, Jr.
- Webinar
- March 26 2014

Holding Child Support Orders of Incarcerated Payers in Abeyance: Final Evaluation Report
- Jennifer L. Noyes, Maria Cancian, and Laura Cuesta
- Report
- September 2012