Inequality & Mobility

Inequality describes the extent to which resources or outcomes (e.g., income, wealth, consumption, health, education) are similarly or unevenly distributed among individuals, groups, populations, or societies. Mobility refers to the frequency with which individuals, groups, or populations within a society change social or economic position in areas such as income, wealth, education, occupation, and the like.

Podcast Icon

What Does it Cost to Raise a Child?

  • Harry Brighouse
  • Podcasts
  • April 2017
Poverty Factsheet Icon

Financial Barriers to College Completion

  • Jacob Roble
  • Poverty Fact Sheet
  • March 2017
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The Decentralization of the U.S. Safety Net

  • Sarah Bruch, Marcia Meyers, and Janet Gornick
  • Webinar
  • December 14 2016
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Health and Economic Mobility

  • Rourke O'Brien and Atheen Venkataramani
  • Webinar
  • September 7 2016
Poverty Factsheet Icon

Which Families Are Poor and Why?

  • Poverty Fact Sheet
  • September 2016