Multiple-partner fertility occurs when parents have biological children with more than one partner.

Young Disadvantaged Men: Fathers, Families, Poverty, and Policy An Introduction to the Issues
- Timothy M. Smeeding, Irwin Garfinkel, and Ronald B. Mincy
- Discussion Paper
- August 2010

Child Support: Responsible Fatherhood and the Quid Pro Quo
- Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer, and Eunhee Han
- Discussion Paper
- June 2010

Effects of the Full Child Support Pass-Through/Disregard on Marriage and Cohabitation
- Maria Cancian and Daniel R. Meyer, with the assistance of Youseok Choi
- Report
- June 2006

Explaining the Patterns of Child Support among Unmarried Low-Income Noncustodial Fathers in Chicago, Milwaukee and New York
- Katherine A. Magnuson
- Report
- February 2006

Multiple-Partner Fertility: Incidence and Implications for Child Support Policy
- Daniel R. Meyer, Maria Cancian, and Steven T. Cook
- Discussion Paper
- August 2004