
Fast Focus Research/Policy Brief Icon

Less-educated workers’ unstable employment: Can the safety net help?

  • Heather D. Hill and Marci A. Ybarra
  • Fast Focus Policy Brief
  • March 2014
Poverty Factsheet Icon

Young Dads and Disadvantage

  • Dan Simon
  • Poverty Fact Sheet
  • February 2014
Focus and Focus+ Icon

The cost of breaking up

  • Laura Tach and Alicia Eads
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • Fall/Winter (2013-2014) 2014
Fast Focus Research/Policy Brief Icon

Family Change: It’s Complicated

  • Fast Focus Policy Brief
  • January 2014
Fast Focus Research/Policy Brief Icon

New findings on New York City’s conditional cash transfer program

  • James A. Riccio
  • Fast Focus Policy Brief
  • December 2013
Discussion Paper Icon

Not Enough Hours in the Day: Work-Hour Insecurity and a New Approach to Wage and Hour Regulation

  • Charlotte Alexander and Anna Haley-Lock
  • Discussion Paper
  • December 2013
Webinar Icon

Pathways Programs and Helping Low-Income Adults Build Marketable Skill Sets

  • Laura Dresser, Shawna Carter, Meghan Conlin, and Kevin Piper
  • Webinar
  • October 15 2013
Focus and Focus+ Icon

Results of the federal urban Empowerment Zone program

  • Matias Busso, Jesse Gregory, and Patrick Kline
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • Spring/Summer 2013
Focus and Focus+ Icon

Good jobs: The importance of who you work for

  • David Card
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • Spring/Summer 2013