Education & Training

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The Wisconsin Approach to Developing Administrative Data Resources for Research & Evaluation

  • Hilary Shager, Steven Cook, Kristina Trastek, Marah A. Curtis, and Lawrence Berger
  • Webinar
  • May 11 2022
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Baby’s First Years and the Impact of Cash Support for Low-Income Families on Infant Brain Activity

  • Sonya Troller-Renfree, Greg Duncan, and Brenda Jones-Harden
  • Webinar
  • February 09 2022
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Amelie Hecht on Universal Free School Meal Programs

  • Amelie Hecht
  • Podcasts
  • November 29 2021
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How have the Working Poor and Working Class Fared since the Great Recession?

  • Erica Groshen, Timothy Smeeding, Fenaba Addo, William Darity, Jr., Jasmine Simington, and Jeff Smith
  • Webinar
  • October 27 2021