Early Childhood Care & Education

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Poverty and parenting young children

  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • Spring/Summer 2017
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Weighing the Benefits of a Universal vs. Targeted Child Safety Net

  • Christopher Wimer and James Ziliak
  • Webinar
  • May 17 2017
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How does economic and social disadvantage affect health?

  • Geoffrey R. Swain
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • Fall/Winter (2016–2017) 2016
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The Academic Achievement of Children in Foster Care

  • Lawrence Berger
  • Podcasts
  • September 2015
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Early childhood interventions for low-income children

  • Greg J. Duncan and Katherine Magnuson
  • Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
  • Fall/Winter (2014–2015) 2015
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Poverty and the Brain

  • Seth Pollak and Barbara Wolfe
  • Webinar
  • December 17 2014
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Promise Neighborhoods as Education Reform: A Social Frontier

  • Peter Miller, Lisa Curless, and Alexis Bourgeois
  • Webinar
  • January 22 2014
Report Icon

Child Support Orders and Childcare Costs

  • Yeongmin Kim and Daniel R. Meyer
  • Report
  • December 2013