Social insurance programs provide benefits to individuals who have paid into the program, or whose employers have paid into the program on their behalf, often in the form of payroll taxes. The major U.S. social insurance programs are Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, and Disability Insurance.
Katherine Magnuson on the American Families Plan and Child Care as Infrastructure
- Katherine Magnuson
- Podcasts
- May 11 2021
Kathryn Anne Edwards on Women Leaving the Labor Force in the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Kathryn Anne Edwards
- Podcasts
- April 8 2021
Making the U.S. Safety Net More Responsive to Economic Downturns
- Robert A. Moffitt and James P. Ziliak, edited by Mitchell McFarlane
- Fast Focus Policy Brief
- April 2021
Timothy Smeeding on Proposals for a Refundable Monthly Child Tax Credit
- Timothy Smeeding
- Podcasts
- March 04 2021
Jacob Faber on How a New Deal Era Program Shaped America’s Racial Geography
- Jacob Faber
- Podcasts
- February 18 2021
Analysis of the Unemployment Insurance Waiting Period in Wisconsin
- Jeffrey Smith, Yonah Drazen, Steven Cook, and Hilary Shager
- Report
- November 30 2020
Lessons from Cash Transfer and Basic Income Pilot Programs
- Lisa Gennetian, Aisha Nyandoro, Amy Castro Baker, and Stacia Martin-West
- Webinar
- October 14 2020
Focus & Focus+ 36(3), October 2020
COVID-19 and Poverty
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- October 2020
Administrative burdens in the time of Covid-19
- Pamela Herd and Donald Moynihan
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- October 2020
Evictions and Housing Challenges in the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Lavar Edmonds, April Hartman, and Marah Curtis
- Webinar
- September 2 2020