Economic support programs are intended to serve people who are unemployed, disabled, have low earnings, or experience other economic or material hardship. They operate under two broad categories: social insurance (such as Social Security and unemployment insurance) and means-tested transfers (such as SNAP/Food Stamps and Medicaid), sometimes called social assistance.
Timothy Smeeding on Proposals for a Refundable Monthly Child Tax Credit
- Timothy Smeeding
- Podcasts
- March 04 2021
Jacob Faber on How a New Deal Era Program Shaped America’s Racial Geography
- Jacob Faber
- Podcasts
- February 18 2021
The Well-Being of Essential Workers and Parents in the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Jevay Grooms and Anna Gassman-Pines
- Webinar
- February 10 2021
Impact of Government Programs Adopted During the New Deal on Residential Segregation Today
- Jacob Faber, and edited by Anna Sucsy
- Fast Focus Policy Brief
- February 2021
Analysis of the Unemployment Insurance Waiting Period in Wisconsin
- Jeffrey Smith, Yonah Drazen, Steven Cook, and Hilary Shager
- Report
- November 30 2020
Shared Placement and Post-Divorce Economic Well-Being
- Judi Bartfeld and Trisha Chanda
- Report
- November 2020
Lessons from Cash Transfer and Basic Income Pilot Programs
- Lisa Gennetian, Aisha Nyandoro, Amy Castro Baker, and Stacia Martin-West
- Webinar
- October 14 2020
Policy and economic factors that affect food security
- Judith Bartfeld and Fei Men
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- October 2020
Administrative burdens in the time of Covid-19
- Pamela Herd and Donald Moynihan
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- October 2020
Focus & Focus+ 36(3), October 2020
COVID-19 and Poverty
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- October 2020