IRP Book Talk: Zach Parolin on Poverty in the Pandemic: Policy Lessons from COVID-19
- Zach Parolin
- Podcasts
- September 11 2023
Children Living in Grandparent-Led and Multigenerational Families: Implications for Policy and Practice
- Natasha Pilkauskas, J. Michael Collins, and LaShawnDa Pittman
- Webinar
- September 06 2023
Supporting Young Adults Transitioning Out of Foster Care to Stay Connected Through Education and Employment
- Fast Focus Policy Brief
- August 2023
Improving How Poverty Is Measured: A Recommendation To Better Reflect Households’ Basic Needs
- James Ziliak, Barbara Wolfe, Jane Waldfogel, Ingrid Gould Ellen, and Indivar Dutta-Gupta
- Webinar
- July 26 2023
Svetlana Shpiegel on Measuring Resilience Over Time Among Young Adults with Foster Care Experience
- Svetlana Shpiegel
- Podcasts
- July 12 2023
Thirty Years of the FMLA: What’s Worked, What Hasn’t, and Recommendations for More Equitable Policies
- Marci Ybarra, Shetal Vohra-Gupta, and Maya Rossin-Slater
- Webinar
- June 28 2023
Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement 39(1), June 2023: Youth with Foster Care Histories: Emancipation and Well-Being
- Edited by James T. Spartz
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- June 2023
Supporting Youth Exiting Foster Care: What Works and What Is Still Needed
- Melanie Nadon, Hui Huang, Angelique Day, and Sarah Font
- Webinar
- May 03 2023
Foster Care Well-Being Outcomes by Race and Ethnicity
- Reeve S. Kennedy, Marina H. Potter, and Sarah A. Font
- Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement
- June 2023
Community Consequences of the Opioid Epidemic
- Colleen Heflin, Shannon Monnat, Lindsey Bullinger, Jessica Pac, Jessica Drescher, and Jason DeParle
- Webinar
- March 23 2023
Center on Child Welfare Policy & Practice
The Center on Child Welfare Policy and Practice (CCWPP) is a joint effort between the School of Social Work (SSW) and the Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The CCWPP engages in inter-disciplinary efforts to inform child welfare policy and practice knowledge through enhanced collaboration and communication among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners.