Child Support Policy Research

IRP’s decades-long collaborations with the State of Wisconsin have led to the development of consistent income standards for determining child support awards, multiple policy evaluations of child support policy and practice initiatives, and the collection of an extended and uniquely complete series of court records of child support decisions in select Wisconsin counties.

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Divorced Wisconsin Families with Shared Child Placements

  • Patricia Brown, Eun Hee Joung, and Lawrence M. Berger
  • Report
  • February 2006
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Selected Child Support Administrative Enforcement Tools: How Are They Used in Wisconsin?

  • Ingrid E. Rothe, Yoonsook Ha, and Marya Sosulski
  • Report
  • August 2004
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The Importance of Child Support for Low-Income Families

  • Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer, and Hwa-Ok Park
  • Report
  • September 2003
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Children’s Living Arrangements in Divorced Wisconsin Families with Shared Placement

  • M. L. Krecker, P. Brown, M. S. Melli, and L. Wimer
  • Report
  • June 2003
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Forgiveness of State-Owed Child Support Arrears

  • Judith Bartfeld
  • Report
  • February 2003
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Placement Outcomes for Children of Divorce in Wisconsin

  • Maria Cancian, Judith Cassetty, Steven T. Cook, and Daniel R. Meyer
  • Report
  • January 2002
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Estimates of Family Expenditures for Children: A Review of the Literature

  • Ingrid Rothe, Judith Cassetty, and Elisabeth Boehnen
  • Report
  • April 2001