Child Support Policy Research

IRP’s decades-long collaborations with the State of Wisconsin have led to the development of consistent income standards for determining child support awards, multiple policy evaluations of child support policy and practice initiatives, and the collection of an extended and uniquely complete series of court records of child support decisions in select Wisconsin counties.

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Reducing Child Support Debt and Its Consequences: Can Forgiveness Benefit All?

  • Carolyn J. Heinrich, Brett C. Burkhardt, and Hilary M. Shager
  • Report
  • March 2010
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Factors Associated with Nonpayment of Child Support

  • Yoonsook Ha, Maria Cancian, Daniel R. Meyer, and Eunhee Han
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  • September 2008
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Improving Medical Support Order Enforcement in Wisconsin

  • Steven T. Cook and Thomas Kaplan
  • Report
  • September 2008
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How Did the 2004 Change in Wisconsin’s Guidelines Affect Child Support Payments?

  • Ingrid E. Rothe, Steven T. Cook, and Anat Yom-Tov
  • Report
  • January 2008
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The Regularity of Child Support and Its Contribution to the Regularity of Income

  • Yoonsook Ha, Daniel R. Meyer, and Maria Cancian
  • Report
  • April 2007