The Institute for Research on Poverty and our national collaborative of peer poverty research centers are especially aware of how the pandemic is affecting the most vulnerable members of society and straining the social services system. Families and individuals with low incomes struggle during normal times, but this unprecedented modern crisis has intensified their hardship while also creating barriers to seeking help.
In response, poverty center researchers and scholars are sharing their expertise to inform efforts to help struggling Americans through this crisis.
Researchers are helping to make sense of the pandemic by responding to major media outlets on its implications for people with low incomes and the public programs they turn to for help.
A new Teach & Learn page provides links to instructional materials about poverty and social inequality suitable for distance learning.

Research & Outreach
Trump vetoing the Covid stimulus bill could be disastrous. But signing it is only the first step
Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat and Anna Gassman-Pines, NBC News Think, 12/24/2020
COVID-19 Job and Income Loss Jeopardize Child Well-Being: Income Support Policies Can Help
Child Evidence Brief, Society for Research in Child Development, Anna Gassman-Pines and Lisa Gennetian, December 2020
Parental unemployment reaches historic highs during the Covid-19 pandemic
Poverty Tracker, Center on Poverty & Social Policy, Columbia University, Zach Parolin, October 2020
Nearly half of New York City workers lost employment income due to the pandemic
Poverty Tracker, Center on Poverty & Social Policy, Columbia University, Sophie Collyer, Sonia Huq, Kahlen Washington, Christopher Wimer, October 2020
Following the economic impact of COVID-19
Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), Stanford University, 2020
Food Hardship During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Great Recession
James Ziliak, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 9/2020
COVID Outcomes Update: Health and Employment Impacts in the US Compared to other Countries
Harry Holzer, Brookings, 9/16/2020
The Rent Eats First, Even During a Pandemic
Matthew Desmond, The New York Times, 8/29/2020
Racial Economic Inequality Amid the COVID-19 Crisis
Bradley L. Hardy and Trevon D. Logan, The Hamilton Project, 8/13/2020
America Needs More Relief—Now
Richard Rodems and Patrick Cooney, The Hill, 8/12/2020
The Time for a Nationwide Eviction Moratorium is Now
Michelle Wilde Anderson and Shamus Roller, The Hill, 7/25/2020
Measuring the labor market at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis
Alexander W. Bartik, Marianne Bertrand, Feng Lin, Jesse Rothstein, and Matt Unrath, National Bureau of Economic Research, 7/2020
Connectivity and Creativity in the Time of COVID-19: Immigrant Serving Districts Respond to the Pandemic
Rebecca Lowenhaupt, Julie Yammine, MelitaMorales, Paulette Andrade, Ariana Mangual Figueroa, Jennifer Queenan, Dafney Blanca Dabach, Roberto G. Gonzales, and Edom Tesfa, Immigration Initiative at Harvard, 8/20
COVID-19 And Racial/Ethnic Disparities In Health Risk, Employment, And Household Composition
Thomas M. Selden and Terceira A. Berdahl, Health Affairs, 7/14/2020
The crisis to come: Poverty after the pandemic
Sarah Halpern-Meekin, op-ed, The Cap Times, 6/10/20
COVID-19’s Impact on Small Business: Deep, Sudden, and Lingering: Statement before the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Michael Strain, American Enterprise Institute, 06/03/20
COVID: What Can Government Officials Learn from Farmers Market Managers?
Alfonso Morales, Farm2Facts Blog, 05/18/20
Visual Aids to Promote COVID-19 Safety at Your Farmers Market
Alfonso Morales, Farm2Facts Blog, 05/08/20
Running a Farmers Market During COVID-19
Alfonso Morales, Farm2Facts Blog, 04/09/20
Differentiate or Die: Reconstructing Market(Place) Economies
Alfonso Morales, Rapid Response Opinion, Agriculture and Human Values, 5/13/20 (may require subscription)
The COVID-19 crisis: How do U.S. economic and health outcomes compare to other OECD countries?
Harry J. Holzer, Brookings Institution report, 06/02/20
Wealth Disparities Before and After the Great Recession
F. T. Pfeffer, S. Danziger, & R. F. Schoeni, R. F. (2013). The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 650, No. 1 (2013): 98-123, may require a subscription.
Who Suffers During Recessions?
H. Hoynes, D. L. Miller, & J. Schaller, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26, No. 3 (2012): 27-48, may require a subscription.
Labor Market Conditions at School‐Leaving: Long‐Run Effects on Marriage and Fertility
J. C. Maclean, R. Covington, & A. Sikora Kessler, Contemporary Economic Policy, 34, No. 1 (2016): 63-88, may require a subscription.
The Health Effects of Leaving School in a Bad Economy
J. C. Maclean, Journal of Health Economics, 32, No. 5 (2013): 951-964, may require a subscription.
Webinar: Tackling Child Poverty in the Wake of COVID-19
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, features Greg Duncan, 06/18/20 | 2–3 PM EDT
Work-Based Risks to Latino Workers and their Families From COVID-19
Lisa A. Gennetian and Matthew S. Johnson, EconoFact, 5/27/20
Food-Assistance Programs Have Positive Impacts on Food Retail
Timothy K.M. Beatty, Marianne P. Bitler, and Cynthia van der Werf, Center for Poverty Research, University of California, Davis, February 2020 (from archives but relevant to pandemic)
Safety Net Enables Faster, More Permanent Exit from Deep Poverty
Ann Huff Stevens, Center for Poverty Research, University of California, Davis, May 2019 (from archives but relevant to pandemic)
U.S. Safety Net Protects Most Children in Poor Households During Recessions
Marianne Bitler, Hilary Hoynes, and Elira Kuka, Center for Poverty Research, University of California, Davis, December 2016 (from archives but relevant to pandemic)
Support from Family Does Not Replace the Social Safety Net
Ellen Whitehead, Center for Poverty Research, University of California, Davis, April 2016 (from archives but relevant to pandemic)
10 million teenage and young adult dependents are left out of CARES Act cash payment
Megan A. Curran & Sophie Collyer, Poverty & Social Policy Brief, Center on Poverty & Social Policy, Columbia University, 05/21/20
The Case for Counting Children in a Carbon Tax Dividend Plan: Net Benefits and Poverty Implications for a Per Capita Dividend
Robert Paul Hartley, Irwin Garfinkel, Tonya Pavlenkoa, Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University, and David Harris, Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University, and Children’s Research and Education Institute, Poverty & Social Policy Brief, Center on …
Comparing Recent Income Maintenance Proposals: Universal Basic Income, Negative Income Tax, and Child Allowance
Robert Paul Hartley & Irwin Garfinkel, Poverty & Social Policy Brief, Center on Poverty & Social Policy, Columbia University, 02/13/20
Income Guarantee Benefits and Financing: Poverty and Distributional Impacts
Robert Paul Hartley & Irwin Garfinkel, Poverty & Social Policy Brief, Center on Poverty & Social Policy, Columbia University, 02/13/20
Incarceration and the COVID-19 Crisis
Jennifer Doleac, Anna Harvey and Jacob Kaplan, EconoFact, 05/21/20
Employment and Poverty
Ann Stevens, Center for Poverty Research, UC Davis, 01/7/18, highlighted on EconoFact, 05/08/20
Income Assistance for Low-Income Workers During the COVID-19 Crisis
Phillip Levine and Diane Schanzenbach, EconoFact, 05/08/20
The Spread and Persistence of Neighborhood Poverty: Lessons for the COVID-19 Response
Webinar, Economic Innovation Group, featuring Alan Mallach and Alan Berube, Wednesday, 05/13/20, 1:00 – 2:30 pm ET; register
Greater Resources Required to Protect People Experiencing Homelessness from COVID-19
Brief, Ryan Finnigan, Center for Poverty Research, UC Davis, May 2020
COVID-19 Wisconsin Connect
New Wisconsin Connect app includes “Covid Crush” disease-transmission simulation
OPEN ICPSR COVID-19 Repository
Repository of data examining the impact of the global pandemic
How will Covid-19 change our schools in the long run?
Douglas N. Harris, Brookings Brown Center on Education Policy, 4/24/20
Personal Finances in a Pandemic
Badger Talks, featuring J. Michael Collins, 4/21/20
Paid Sick Leave in New York City: How Are Workers and Families Being Protected During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Report by Matthew Maury, Sophie Collyer, Jane Waldfogel, and Christopher Wimer, Center on Poverty & Social Policy, 4/21/20
Forecasting Estimates of Poverty during Covid-19: Poverty Rates in the U.S. Could Reach Highest Levels in Over 50 Years
Zachary Parolin and Christopher Wimer, Poverty & Social Policy Brief, Center on Poverty & Social Policy, 04/16/20
Social Impact Live
Video, Richard Hara interviews Center on Poverty & Social Policy Researcher Zach Parolin on the economic fallout of the pandemic, 04/16/20
The Paycheck Protection Program: An Introduction
Michael Strain, American Enterprise Institute Report, 4/1/20
COVID Impact Survey
COVID-19 Household Impact Survey launched by University of Chicago NORC, 4/9/20
Michigan COVID-19 Pandemic Resource Guide
Poverty Solutions, University of Michigan, 4/6/20
Money, money, money: The Fiscal Response to COVID-19
James Ziliak and Bradley Hardy, Brookings Institution Up Front, 3/24/20
The Case for Cash Allowances for Children during Economic Crises
Zach Parolin and David Harris, Center on Poverty and Social Policy, 3/15/20
COVID-19 Information: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding & Postpartum
Deborah Ehrenthal, Prevention Research Center, UW-Madison
Wisconsin Food Security Project
Judith Bartfeld, statewide guide to food assistance/pantries
- More Covid-19 Research & Outreach posts
Quoted in the News
Opinion | Who Spent Their Last Stimulus Checks?
Raj Chetty, John N. Friedman, and Michael Stepner, New York Times, 2/8/2021
Why US hiring could rebound faster than you might expect
Christopher Rugaber (AP), Hawaii Tribune-Herald, 2/4/2021, quoted: David Autor
Some economists say the Paycheck Protection Program has not saved many jobs
Ben Casselman and Jim Tankersly, New York Times, 2/2/2021, quoted: David Autor
Vanderbilt Child Health Poll: Tennessee parents concerned about education, kids’ mental health as COVID-19 presses on
Evan Curran, Research News @ Vanderbilt, 1/22/2021, quoted: Carolyn Heinrich
Wisconsin’s Unemployment Rate Rises Slightly In December To 5.5 Percent
Rachael Vasquez, Wisconsin Public Radio, January 21, 2021, quoted: Laura Dresser
Once again, job losses fall unequally across the U.S. economy
Christopher Rugaber and Alexandra Olson (AP), Denver Post, 1/9/2021, quoted: Harry Holzer
December Jobs Report Shows Payroll Decline
Harry Holzer, Forbes, 1/08/2021
‘If you’re behind, these funds won’t really make a difference’: J. Michael Collins on impact of stimulus package on recovery
Kristin Myers, Yahoo Finance, 12/30/2020, quoted: J. Michael Collins
Money Woes Hit Many Americans Early in Pandemic: Study
Robert Preidt, Healthday News, 12/22/2020, quoted: Shatakshee Dhongde
COVID-19 pandemic causes surge in food insecurity. Any relief bill should boost SNAP payments
Rex Huppke, Chicago Tribune, 12/11/2020, quoted: Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach
A new poll shows the ‘outsized’ financial burdens faced by millennials
Ben Werschkul, Yahoo Finance, 12/11/2020, quoted: J. Michael Collins
Black households were saving more. Then came COVID-19
Michelle Singletary, Washington Post, 12/1/2020, quoted: Bradley Hardy
Disparity in Jobless Rates Suggests Black Workers Face Slower Recovery
Eric Morath, Wall Street Journal, 11/29/2020, quoted: Bradley Hardy, Harry Holzer
Is the Pandemic Spurring a Robot Revolution?
Marius Robles, SingularityHub, 11/30/2020, quoted: David Autor
Wisconsin Unemployment Rate Ticks Up Slightly To 5.7 Percent In October
Rachael Vasquez, Wisconsin Public Radio, 11/19/2020, quoted: Laura Dresser
COVID-19 recession slams working women. ‘I don’t know how I’m going to make it.’
Nusaiba Mizan, Green Bay Press Gazette, 11/5/2020, quoted: Laura Dresser
COVID-19 deaths and disease disproportionately affecting certain population groups in the area
Cearron Bagenda, WJDT Milwaukee, 10/22/2020, quoted: Tiffany Green
COVID-19, Can Vitamin D Help Against the Disease?
Adeena Tariq Lari, Health WriteUps, 10/17/2020, quoted: Tiffany Green
Difficulties Millenials Face Getting Home Loans in the Post-COVID World
Jacob Maslow, Daily Invest News, 10/5/2020, quoted: Fenaba Addo
IRS Estimates More Than 111K Wisconsinites Might Have Not Claimed Coronavirus Stimulus Checks
Rachael Vasquez, Wisconsin Public Radio, 9/30/2020, quoted: Timothy Smeeding
Is higher COVID-19 mortality in Black adults linked to essential work?
James Kingsland, Medical News Today, 9/20/2020, quoted: Tiffany Green
Toll of COVID-19 on Wisconsin’s Workforce
Frederica Freyberg, PBS Wisconsin, 9/18/2020, quoted: Laura Dresser
State Unemployment Rate Declined Slightly In August
Shamane Mills, Wisconsin Public Radio, 9/17/2020, quoted: Timothy Smeeding
We Are Part Of A Storm’: Virtual Schooling Takes A Toll On Children And Families
Madeline Fox, Wisconsin Public Radio, 9/17/2020, quoted: Alejandra Ros Pilarz and Katherine Magnuson
Pandemic Unemployment: What Happens When Benefits Never Arrive?
Grace Tatter and Meghna Chakrabarti, On Point Radio, 9/17/2020, quoted: Pamela Herd
What the New Federal Eviction Moratorium Means
Kriston Capps, Bloomberg CityLab, 9/2/2020, quoted: Donald Moynihan
Coffee, ketchup and Nike Air Max: it’s the COVID consumer economy
Nick Carey, Richa Naidu and Siddharth Cavale, KFGO, 9/1/2020, quoted: J. Michael Collins
‘Deleterious’ public service cuts likely without federal aid, new research predicts
Abigail Becker, The Capital Times, 8/31/2020, quoted: Andrew Reschovsky
Some People Are Still Waiting for a Stimulus Check to Arrive. What’s the Holdup?
Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press, Cited: Richard Rodems, Lydia Wileden, Poverty Solutions, 8/13/2020
As Schools Shut Down, a New Federal Program Eased Child Hunger, Study Finds
Jason DeParle, The New York Times, 7/30/20, quoted Diane Schanzenbach
Why Hunger Can Grow Even When Poverty Doesn’t
Jason DeParle, The New York Times, 7/28/20, quoted: Luke Shaefer, cited: Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University, Lisa Gennetian, Diane Schanzenbach
Poverty and the Pandemic with Prof. Sarah Halpern-Meekin
1050 Bascom Podcast, Department of Political Science, UW–Madison, 7/15/2020
Newsmakers: Coronavirus Edition with Dr. Tiffany Green, assistant professor at UW–Madison
Appleton Post-Crescent, 7/8/2020
Vast Federal Aid Has Capped Rise in Poverty, Studies Find
Jason DeParle, The New York Times, 06/2/20, quoted: James P. Ziliak, Bruce D. Meyer, Diane Schanzenbach, and Christopher Wimer
Why Parts Of Rural America Are Pushing Back On Coronavirus Restrictions
Kirk Siegler, NPR Morning Edition, 5/27/20, quoted: Kathy Cramer
Young Adults, Burdened With Debt, Are Now Facing an Economic Crisis
Nathaniel Popper, 04/08/20, The New York Times
Coronavirus threatens autistic people living in group homes
Marcus A. Banks, Jaclyn Jeffrey-Wilensky, Spectrum, 05/21/20, quoted: Lauren Bishop
Deploy the safety net
Robert A. Moffitt and James P. Ziliak, Opinion Contributors, 05/14/20
‘Kids Are Not Always Safer At Home’ Even Though Reports Of Abuse, Neglect Are Down
Madeline Fox, Wisconsin Public Radio, 5/11/20, quoted: Lawrence Berger
Let’s Provide Unemployment Benefits Without Layoffs
Michael R. Strain, op-ed, 5/7/20, Bloomberg Opinion
America’s Cash Assistance Program Appears Dead When People Need It Most
Tara Golshan, Huff Post Blog, 5/5/20, quoted: Luke Shaefer
Students Have Lost Learning Due to Covid-19. Here Are the Economic Consequences
Harry Holzer and Jim Lanich, op-ed, Educational Results Partnership, 05/05/20
COVID-19 May Become “An Automation Forcing Event”: Already Vulnerable Workers Look To Reskilling For Path Forward
Allison Dulin Salisbury, Forbes, 05/07/20, quoted: David Autor
As hunger swells, food stamps become partisan flashpoint
Jason DeParle, The New York Times, 5/6/20, quoted: Diane Schanzenbach
UW-Madison faculty, students help create COVID-19 app for Wisconsinites
Debra Pierce, UW News, 5/4/20, quoted: Amy Kind
COVID-19 and the new abnormal
Richey Piiparenen, Crain’s Cleveland Business, 4/30/20, quoted David Autor
The legacy of the pandemic: 11 ways it will change the way we live
Vox staff, 4/22/20, quoted: Jamila Michener
New York’s low-income residents falling through paid sick leave cracks: report
Denis Slattery, New York Daily News, 4/20/20, Center on Poverty & Social Policy report cited
A Gloomy Prediction on How Much Poverty Could Rise
Jason DeParle, The New York Times, 4/16/20, quoted: Sarah Halpern-Meekin and Christopher Wimer
Governor Evers signs bipartisan COVID-19 response bill into law
The Badger Herald, 4/15/20, quoted Barbara Wolfe
The Coronavirus Stimulus Is Playing Hard to Get: Why do we make it so difficult for people to receive unemployment and other forms of relief?
Pamela Herd and Donald P. Moynihan op-ed, The New York Times, 4/13/20
The Coronavirus Class Divide: Space and Privacy
Jason DeParle, The New York Times, 4/12/20
Food pantries struggle to provide during COVID-19
Marketplace (American Public Media), 3/31/20, quoted: Judith Bartfield
The Safety Net Got a Quick Patch. What Happens After the Coronavirus?
Jason DeParle, The New York Times, 3/31/20, quoted: Janet Currie, Greg Duncan, Hilary Hoynes, Donald Moynihan, Diane Schanzenbach, Timothy Smeeding, Jane Waldfogel, Christopher Wimer
Homeschooling during the coronavirus will set back a generation of children
Kevin Huffman, The Washington Post, 03/27/20, quoted: Eric Hanushek
COVID-19 Victimizes Uninsured, Underinsured As Infections Spread: Some Organizations Are Responding By Waiving Fees For Care Related To Coronavirus
Elizabeth Dohms-Harter, Wisconsin Public Radio, 3/27/20, quoted: Donna Friedsam
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