Anna L. Green and LeKita V. Scott, Journey to the Ph.D.: How to Navigate the Process as African Americans, Stylus, 2002.
Lee Jones and Na'im Akbar, Brothers of the Academy: Up and Coming Black Scholars Earning Our Way in Higher Education, Stylus, 2000.
Kjell Erik Rudestam and Rae R. Newton, Surviving Your Dissertation: A Comprehensive Guide to Content and Process, 4th Edition, Sage, 2014.
Julia Miller Vick and Jennifer S. Furlong, The Academic Job Search Handbook, Fourth Edition, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.
Paul Gray and David E. Drew , What They Didn't Teach You in Graduate School: 199 Helpful Hints for Success in Your Academic Career, Stylus, 2008.
James M. Lang, Life on the Tenure Track: Lessons from the First Year, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.