Madison—Researchers and researchers-in-training representing diverse disciplines from the Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison will present their work on a wide range of poverty policy- and research-related issues at the 2019 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Annual Fall Research Conference, November 7–9, 2019, in Washington, DC.
The conference theme is “Rising to the Challenge: Engaging Diverse Perspectives on Issues and Evidence.” IRP Affiliate Matthew Stagner is serving as APPAM president through 2019; IRP Affiliate and Former Director Maria Cancian will serve as APPAM president in 2020.
The list below comprises the APPAM panels, presentations, symposia, and posters organized, chaired, discussed, and/or presented by IRP on-campus Affiliates, Postdoctoral Fellows (National Poverty Fellows), and Graduate Research Fellows from the conference agenda.
- Panel: Policies and Children’s Living Arrangements: A Closer Look at Shared Custody, Extended and Skipped-Generation Households; Panel Paper: The Economics of Shared Placement: Income Composition and Economic Well-Being before and after Divorce among Mothers with Sole and Shared Placement Arrangements
- Panel Discussant: Thinking Big: How Macro-Level Factors and Policies Affect Children
- Panel: Effects of Losing Health Insurance Coverage on Labor, Health, and Financial Outcomes; Panel Paper (presented by coauthor Laura Dague): The Value of Medicaid vs. Marketplace Health Insurance for Low-Income Families
- Panel: Health Insurance Effects on Labor Supply, Retirement, and Marriage; Panel Paper (presented by coauthor Joshua Witter): Public Health Insurance, Health Status, and Retirement Decisions
- Panel: Policies and Children’s Living Arrangements: A Closer Look at Shared Custody, Extended and Skipped-Generation Households; Panel Paper: Growth in Shared Custody Brings Challenges to Family Policy
- Panel: Assessing and Building the Evidence Base on Reentry: What’s Known, What’s Needed, and What’s Next? Panel Paper (presented by Luke Muentner): A Qualitative Exploration of Reentry Service Needs: The Case of Fathers Returning from Prison
- Panel Chair: Homeownership and Loan Performance for Vulnerable and Low-Income Populations
- Panel: Challenges and Opportunities in Building Financial Security in Economically Vulnerable Populations; Panel Paper (presented by coauthor Stephanie Moulton): Can Reminders Nudge Seniors to Remember to Pay Their Property Taxes? A Field Experiment with Reverse Mortgage Borrowers
- Panel Chair: Individual and Institutional Responses to Last-Dollar Financial Aid Programs
- Panel: Access to Early Care and Education for Whom? A Look at Family Outcomes for Diverse Populations; Panel Paper (presented by Molly Costanzo): Equitable Access? Child Care for Families Raising Children with Disabilities
- Panel: Policies and Children’s Living Arrangements: A Closer Look at Shared Custody, Extended and Skipped-Generation Households; Panel Paper (presented by coauthor Marcia Carlson): Growth in Shared Custody Brings Challenges to Family Policy
- Panel: Swimming Upstream: Child Support Enforcement & Nonresident Parents’ Contributions to Children; Panel Paper: Testing a New Approach to Serving Noncustodial Parents Who Are behind in Their Child Support Payments
- Panel Discussant: Immigration Policy and the Well-Being of Immigrants and Natives
- Roundtable Speaker: Employment Programs for Parents Unable to Pay Child Support: What We’ve Learned and Where Do We Go Next?
- Panel Discussant: From Enforcement to Engagement: Strengthening Connections between Child Support and Public Benefits Programs to Improve Family and Child Well-Being
- Panel: Socioeconomic Inequality and Children’s Development; Panel Paper: Early Maternal Employment and Children’s School Readiness: Differences By Job Quality?
- Roundtable Speaker: Bridging the Agency-Academic Divide to Integrate Data and Serve “the Whole Child”
- Super Session Organizer & Moderator: Reducing Child Poverty: Uniting Diverse Perspectives
- Panel: Individual and Institutional Responses to Last-Dollar Financial Aid Programs; Panel Paper (presented by coauthor Deven Carlson): The Effects of Need-Based Financial Aid on Employment, Earnings, and Receipt of Public Benefits
National Poverty Fellows
- Panel: Challenges and Opportunities in Building Financial Security in Economically Vulnerable Populations; Panel Paper: Impacts of State-Mandated High School Financial Education on Savings by Low-Income Households
IRP Postdoctoral Fellow
- Panel: Policy Innovations for Meeting the Needs of Female Workers in the Diverse U.S. Economy; Did Unemployment Insurance Modernizations Increase Female Workers’ Access to UI Benefits?
- Panel: From Enforcement to Engagement: Strengthening Connections between Child Support and Public Benefits Programs to Improve Family and Child Well-Being; Panel Paper: Do Low-Income Parents Who Receive Unemployment Insurance Pay More Child Support?
Graduate Research Fellows
- Panel: Examining the Educational Experiences of Immigrant Children in the Current Policy Environment; Panel Paper: Examining the Impact of DACA on the Education and Employment Decisions of Latin@ Undocumented Youth
- Panel: Policies and Children’s Living Arrangements: A Closer Look at Shared Custody, Extended and Skipped-Generation Households; Panel Paper: Noncustodial Fathers’ Contributions to Children in Extended-Family Households
- Panel: Access to Early Care and Education for Whom? a Look at Family Outcomes for Diverse Populations; Panel Paper: Equitable Access? Child Care for Families Raising Children with Disabilities
- Poster Paper: How Do Child Care Subsidy Policies Affect Access to Child Care for Young Children with Disabilities?
- Panel: Assessing and Building the Evidence Base on Reentry: What’s Known, What’s Needed, and What’s Next?; Panel Paper: A Qualitative Exploration of Reentry Service Needs: The Case of Fathers Returning from Prison
- Panel: Restrictive Immigration Policies; Panel Paper: Risk of Deportation and Location Decisions of Mexican Migrants in the U.S.
- Panel: Policy Innovations for Meeting the Needs of Female Workers in the Diverse U.S. Economy; Panel Paper: Evaluating the Impacts of State Unemployment Insurance Eligibility for ‘Compelling Family Reasons’