IRP Dissertation Research Fellowship 2025-2026, Application Deadline: 3/1/2025, 11:59 p.m. CDT

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About Fellowship

The Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is pleased to announce that as part of its institutional match in conjunction with being named the National Research Center on Poverty and Economic Mobility by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (U.S. DHHS/ASPE), IRP anticipates supporting one dissertation research project for 12 months, including the summer of 2025 or 2026 and the academic year 2025-2026, through IRP’s Dissertation Research Fellowship program. IRP invites proposals in support of all US domestic poverty-related dissertation projects, but special consideration will be given to applied projects that inform policy or program implementation, including studies using the WADC.

About IRP

IRP is a center for interdisciplinary research into the causes and consequences of poverty and inequality and the impact of related policies and programs. As the National Research Center on Poverty and Economic Mobility sponsored by DHHS/ASPE, IRP coordinates the U.S. Collaborative of Poverty Centers (CPC) in an integrated set of activities with the ultimate goal of improving the effectiveness of public policies to reduce poverty and inequality and their impacts on the well-being of the American people.



Only doctoral students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison who are pursuing a poverty-related degree and are working with an on-campus IRP faculty affiliate are eligible to apply. Applicants should be in the final year or two of their program. Preference will be given to students who have participated in the IRP Graduate Research Fellows program.


Fellowships provide up to 50% Graduate Research Assistant support for 12 months.


IRP Dissertation Research Fellowship awardee will be asked to present their work at a Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) seminar.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Student’s demonstrated commitment to US poverty research, including involvement with GRF (20%)
  • Proposed research dissertation prospectus feasibility, quality, and focus on US poverty (30%)
  • Potential for impact on policy/practice and connection to IRP projects/research (20%)
  • Student’s potential based on prior experiences, projects, funding applications and funding record, and other evidence of capability (30%)

Application Instructions

Submit proposals via the online Application Form

Request on-campus IRP faculty affiliate to submit a recommendation letter via the online Submission Form.

Applicants should provide the materials outlined below as one PDF file, in the order listed, by the application deadline. Applicants are responsible for providing the link above to their recommender to directly submit their letter by the application deadline. Both the applicant and the advisor will receive a confirmation when the letter is submitted. Note that the letter of sponsorship can be completed before or after the application is submitted but both the application and the sponsorship letter must be completed by the deadline for the application to be complete.

Your application should include:

  1. Cover page listing the following:
    1. Student’s name, department, contact information, and history of participation in the IRP Graduate Research Fellows program;
    2. IRP faculty affiliate recommender; and
    3. Project title and abstract.
  2. Description of proposed work, no more than 4000 words, to include:
    1. Research question, original contribution to the literature, and to US poverty research;
    2. Research design, methodology, and data sources; and
    3. Current status/preliminary work and expected dissertation completion date.
  3. Current curriculum vitae
  4. Letter of from an IRP on-campus faculty affiliate, which should be uploaded directly (separately from the rest of the proposal) to the link specified above. The letter should address:
    1. The merits of the dissertation project;
    2. The IRP faculty affiliate’s level of involvement (g., chair of dissertation committee, collaborator on related project, etc.); and
    3. Expected dissertation completion date.


Questions should be directed to: IRP Apply |


Call Release January 14, 2025
Application Deadline March 1, 2025
Notification April 2025
Contract Begins Summer or Fall 2025
Contract Ends 12 months after award start date
Note: Contract dates and reporting requirement deadlines will be specified in the award letter upon notification.