IRP Demographic Data Privacy Policy

The Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) supports rigorous multidisciplinary policy-relevant research on poverty and economic mobility that represents a range of perspectives. We do this through fellowship programs, grant programs, research, publications, and events.

IRP uses a variety of metrics to better understand the reach of our opportunities. When those metrics are not collected through our standard processes, we ask individuals to provide that information through a brief survey. Participation is voluntary and individuals may choose to skip one or all the questions. Individuals may also choose to report their data anonymously.

We use aggregated data to understand who is applying for and receiving funding, whose research IRP is highlighting in its publications and at its events, and with whom IRP partners. We may use individual-level data for specific purposes that include, but are not limited to, selecting reviewers and mentors; and ensuring a range of lived-experience in specific activities, including events and content planning.

These data help us measure our progress towards increasing participation and expanding our poverty and economic mobility research network.

Individual-level data is held in strict confidence and is not shared with any third parties (including application reviewers).*

For questions, please contact

*Individuals who complete our survey are assigned a random number. The key matching an individual to their assigned number is kept in a separate file from the individual-level survey responses. Both files are password-protected using different passwords and are kept in secure folders with restricted access.

Individuals may choose to share their individual-level data but request to keep it anonymous. In these circumstances, IRP retains the individual level-data anonymously and does not associate it with a name in any database.