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Focus on Poverty & Classroom Supplement 39(1), June 2023: Youth with Foster Care Histories: Emancipation and Well-Being

Foster care is a complex set of institutional and social systems involving parents and their children, child welfare agencies and staff, host households and adoptive families, school systems, employers, and many informal networks of mentorship and kinfolk. While the health and well-being of children, youth, and families is often at the heart of this work, many systemic challenges exist that may prevent individuals from accessing services and networks of policy and action ostensibly designed to help. In this issue we peer through the lens of foster care to highlight work on race and well-being outcomes, post-secondary education, and extended benefits for young adults moving out of the foster care system. While these are just a few of many important topics related to foster care, we hope the insights contained within inspire conversation as well as action.


Foster Care Well-Being Outcomes by Race and Ethnicity, by Reeve S. Kennedy, Marina H. Potter, and Sarah A. Font

When Foster Youth Go to College: Assessing Barriers and Supports to Degree Completion for College Students with Foster Care Histories, by Nathanael J. Okpych and Mark E. Courtney

Comparing Outcomes 20 Years Apart: Transitioning Out of Foster Care for Emerging Adults, by Thom Reilly and David Schlinkert



Child Development & Well-Being, Children, Education & Training, Inequality & Mobility, Postsecondary Education, Racial/Ethnic Inequality, Transition to Adulthood


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