- March
- March 19
- March 20Premigration Gender Inequality and Postmigration Perinatal Health among Immigrants and Refugees to CanadaInstitute for Research on Poverty Seminar - Zoua Vang12:15 PM, 8417 Sewell Social Sciences
- April
- April 3Government Litigation Risk and the Decline in Low-Income Mortgage LendingInstitute for Research on Poverty Seminar - Erik Mayer12:15 PM, 8417 Sewell Social Sciences
- April 17Welfare Capitalism on the Cheap? Employee Hardship Funds, Worker Attachment, and Union AvoidanceInstitute for Research on Poverty Seminar - John Ahlquist12:15 PM, 8417 Sewell Social Sciences
- April 24The New Housing Crisis: Gentrification and Residential Instability in the San Francisco Bay Area after the Great RecessiInstitute for Research on Poverty Seminar - Jackelyn Hwang12:15 PM, 8417 Sewell Social Sciences
New Resources
Highlights from the National Research Center on Poverty and Economic Mobility
This Forum investigated inequitable outcomes by race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, and ability and how federal, state, and local human services policies, systems, and providers contribute to it. Participants also discussed how policy, practice, data, and research can combat systemic inequities created in and outside of human services. Inequities continue to create barriers to success and well-being for many individuals and communities in the United States. The field of human services can play a crucial role in advancing equity for these populations, but to do so must identify the ways in which it creates or perpetuates disparities.
Medicaid & Health Policy Research
Health Coverage, Access, Cost, & Quality
Research and analysis projects focus on health care access, cost, financing, health system performance, quality — in short: What works? Who benefits? Who pays?